do you really need to eat healthy to get a 6 pack?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
is it really necessary to eat healthy to obtain a 6 pack..i mean i'm pretty skinny i dont need to lose weight but will the healthy food help me ad more muscle?
well,from what it sounds like, you want a six pack,which says that you don't have one right now...and you also said that you are pretty skinny..bad sign...from what you soudn like you're saying,you dont have very much muscle,but a lot of fat that doesnt realy look like is the most important part of obtaining any definition in any muscle should probably eat abour 40-45 grams of fat a day and about 1100 calories a day,followed by at least 30 miutes of a vigorous cardio activity if you want to shed at least a pound of fat per week....I work out every other day and cycle about 20-30 miles in the morning before i've had anything to eat, to also burn more fat.....but if you want to add more muscle,eat about 1.5-2 grams of protein for every pound of your lean fine your lean muscle, i suggest going to

this website will have different calculators to help yu find your lean muscle mass (how much all the muscle in your body weighs)...from there,folow a healthy diet, which means more protein and good carbs,less or no confined sugar (cakes,candies,sodas,etc), lay off the fatty cheese, and lay off fatty foods all together.....oh yeah,you actually might have a little bit of muscle under your fat,but you just have to burn it off,so if you do start a workout program, try takign a thermogensis pill,i would suggest teh all natural green tea extract pills..they are jsut green tea leaves that are groudn up, but they help raise your metabolism to help you burn more fat...Good Luck!