I just bought a green spotted puffer fish? I had no idea...?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
That the green spotted puffer needs to be in brackish water. The woman who sold it to me did not tell me this, and instead made me think this was a happy friendly fresh water fish. Well I honestly am not very good at keeping "high maintenance" fish alive. I couldn't keep angel fish alive because they need a certain ph. So what I need to know really is can my fish be kept in a fresh water tank. (10-20 gal) He is in solitary confinement because I started researching puffers and I read that they aren't the best fish to keep with tank mates. Ok, so I need to know if this little guy can just survive in fresh water with a lot of plants and rocks. And if I can treat him like a basic... goldfish and enjoy him simply, and feed him flakes. etc... Please blowfish lovers don't be harsh. I was mislead in my purchase.
Spotted Puffer
An attractive aquarium oddity, the Spotted Puffer, Tetraodon nigroviridis, is attractive, active, and amiable (in appearance.) This friendly-appearing fish should be kept only with semi-aggressive or aggressive fish. It may likely nip the fins or slower moving or more timid aquarium mates. Considered a brackish water fish, this Indonesian native does fine in freshwater as a juvenile, but should be kept in brackish water for longevity of health. As with other Puffers, it should not be kept with smaller snails, crustaceans, and mollusks, as these compose a large portion of its natural diet. Bloodworms and blackworms (in addition to a high quality pellet food) will help sate the appetite of this eager eater. Hard, alkaline water in the 76-82° F range is ideal.