are there other sexualities other then Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I can't believe this question hasn't been asked before!

are there other sexualities other then Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual?

is there others?

(I'm gay, btw)
yup.... pansexual (everyone including transgendered), omnisexual(everyone including transgendered), asexual(no one at all)
There is also questioning, curious, and asexual. If you're questioning, you're not sure which sexuality you most properly fit into. If you're curious, that means you want to explore either men or women or both. If you're asexual, then you're neither attracted to men nor women.

I'm gay. I grew up straight when I was young then realized I was attracted to men than realized women just couldn't compare.

Still, I think if people are honest with themselves, there are certain members of the same (if straight) or opposite (if gay) sex that they'd make an exception for.
Asexual - no sexual feelings (often misused by people who feel that sex is overrated, but they still experience desires)

Pansexual - Attracted to all humans. Bisexuals are attracted to both genders, pansexuals don't care about genders. The litmus test is if you're attracted to transsexuals, pre-op or post-op. If you'd sleep with any of them... pansexual. (If the answer is something complicated like pre-ops only, I don't think there's a name for you yet).

Autosexual - Attracted to themselves most of all. Hide your mirrors.
Sure there are. There are straight people. There are married people. There are people who like to have more than one wive. There are people in this world who more than one husband. And, there are people who avoid sex. There are even people who are married and have an open-marriage (where its ok to go out with others and still be married). There are people in this world who are married and like to swing (swap partners). So, to anwer your question there are other sexualites other than lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexuals/swingers/cheaters/honest cheaters etc., In some parts of the world it is illegal to practice these sexualities, but in most parts of the world it is looked upon as the norm.
Asexual, where a person has no interest in sex at all.
Pansexual, where a person is attracted to personality, rather than looks (not to be confused with bisexuality).

Pansexuality and Zoosexuality are two that I can think of off the top of my head. Zoosexuality is kind of a sensitive issue though, considering what it's all about. It technically is a sexuality though.