Bush fired more generals than any other presidents,he just fires anybody...


BUSH =warcriminal

...who disagree with him?
Morons they never retired, they were fired so stop putting words in others mouth
not only does he fire them he makes them out to be terrorists. if you do not agree with him you are a terrorist. it is appalling the way that he stands up and says he listens to his generals but if they don't agree with him their gone. SO MUCH FOR LISTENING! it is even more appalling that he asks for all this money for OUR TROOPS but yet all the money is going to BLACK WATER and HALI BURTON. HOW MUCH MONEY DO THEY NEED!!!!! GW speaks from so many sides of his face he can't know who he is anymore. we as a country have to come back to laws and leadership. the generals and our soldiers have been totally betraded and we the people have to make it stop. GW will go down as the worst president of our country but I hope we as a country can survive. WAR IS NOT A BUSINESS it is only to protect us from those trying to do us wrong. NOT REVENGE.