who believes honestly that there is only ONE right faith belief or religion?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
if you do explain how ALLLLLL the others are wrong? i am not including radical groups in this so for example the group that protests our soldiers funerals in the name of "god" yea i dont think they are right bc they are doing harm in the name of their "god". for those of you who feel that preaching anything to me about being saved save your time bc i am doing this not to find faith bc i already have spirituality. i just want to know how a religion can be "wrong"
sorry how can religion faith or spiritulality be wrong?
harriet and bella: wow the first two answers were not what i was expecting lol two sane people got in first!
It cant be wrong because its all a matter of opinion...who is to say what is right?? based on what?? its all very subjective...
It is a simple matter of who decides how God wishes to be worshipped.
Is it not logical that God would decide?
Other people may be very sincere, but if they are not going about matters the way God prefers, what does it get them?
I definitely do not believe that ONE faith or religion is right or wrong. Everyone experiences life in a different way. Because another's experiences are different than mine doesn't make their experiences or beliefs and more or less real/valid. I accept and respect whatever faith (or lack of faith) that others have.
I'm not saying there is only 1 right religion, although many are wrong. There is however only 1 right faith belief, and that is that God sent His only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Whoever receives Jesus into their lives will inherit eternal life in heaven with God. Anyone who does not, will go to hell. If you put your faith on anything else, especially on anything else on how to get to heaven, you won't make it because Jesus is the only way to heaven.