Sprint extending contract with EVERYTHING we do?


New member
May 27, 2008
me and my family are with sprint, they are fine with it but i HATE IT! they extend our contract for everything we do, my parents added texting for me last year for my birthday. I've had a Samsung A920 and i want a new phone, my parents are okay with it and everything and i'm getting the LG rumor, except they would make us sign up for another 2 years which is something we do not want to do in case we want to go with someone else. I am turning 14 july 7th and my dad wants to get me the rumor for my birthday, could he argue his way out of extending the contract without paying full price? because i dont want to be greedy for my birthday having my parents spend $279. with extention its 49.99. what should we do? should we threaten to cancel our service and negotiate

any suggestions