More stress, more fear; girls only.?


New member
May 30, 2008
I posted a few minutes ago, but here is the deal and the update..

On Tuesday (June 24th) my boyfriend and I had sex. I have been on the birth control pill (ortho tricyclen low) for 7 packages (aka: 6 and a half months). He also used a condom and later assured me that it didn't break. After sex, (forgive me for being blunt) my vagina was sore and the entry way was itchy. I also had a watery yellow discharge that showed up an hour or two after intercourse. I still have it and it's been six days. There was a small (like almost hardly noticeable) fleck of blood on my pantyliner yesterday morning. I've been feeling moderate pain on my left side slightly to the right of my hipbone.

I am going to the doctor on Wednesday, but I would like to know what (in honesty) others think it is.

The Update: (Pardon, again, for being blunt.) I just whiped and there was blood on the tissue.

Is this a sign of STDs or pregnancy?

Please, I need to know.