fluctuating elevated and normal blood pressure?


Jun 16, 2008
my husband 47 yr male with sound family history of hypertension shows very wide fluctuating blood pressure readings. he showed a 126/87 at 6am 151/104 and 137/92 over 2 min gap at 12:30pm and 140/97 and 130/88 at 6pm. I have no clue what to assume for this kind of readings. His doctor advices diet control & excercise. His cholesterol is normal and is healthy except for severe headaches once in a while. he is on no salt diet and takes 2 tbsp codliver oil, 1 garlic tab, calcium-magnesium-zinc combo tab, CoQ10 200mg each day and an occasional potassium tab. Diet includes fish at every meal, fresh fruits, a lot of tomato juice and veggies. He cooperates to this diet only out of submission. Should he wait more to start his meds or change his doctor? Is he is at risk of stroke or heart disease if his BP readings shoots up and does'nt stay so consistently? is this high fluctuation an indicator of some other underlying health issue? Both Parents and all 3 siblings are on BPmeds, except him.