What's the closet thing to Taco Bell in London?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
I know that there aren;t any Taco Bells anymore, and they;ve said they'll never come back!

What's the next best place that does the burritos etc like Taco Bell?

Hopefully something as cheap too!
I can't think of many Mexican 'chains' in England - it's just not that mainstream a fast food for us.

You could try Chiquito - there are quite a few of those dotted around the place, including at least two or three I can think of in London. Then there's always TGI Fridays - they do fajitas, chimmichangas etc. Nothing like as good as genuine TexMex, but pretty decent.

Oh, and nothing will be as cheap as TacoBell - but we probably all know why that is, don't we children? All I can say is you get what you pay for.

Good luck!
I've never been to London so i'm not for sure what you have, but if you have taco time, i'd guess that would be the closest.