Older Trained Dog having house accidents!?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
i have a Rat Terrier female dog about 4yrs old, she's trained to let me know when she has to go but sometimes she'll just go on the floor right in front of everyone, the other dog we have will at least hide and do it, she will not and i've tried everything to punish her and nothing works, what can i do?
Gentle here..............I had another golden retriever who was only age 7. He started peeing in the house "just out of nowhere". Come to realize, he was getting sick.

Sometimes dogs will do this as way to tell us "there is something wrong" with them. If it is that much out of the norm, you may want to keep an eye on her or take her in for a "well doggie check" with your Vet.

My golden was telling me he was truely not feeling well, he was going blind in his left eye, and eventually got cancer. NOT to say this would happen to your dog. It's only that dogs have this way of action to give you notice that something is bothering them, something is happening, or they do not feel well. It could be a bladder infection, it could be an ear infection, or something else. This is a MESSAGE.

This is how they communicate. This may not be the case with your dog, but it is one answer that could be correct.

I wish you "and her" well. :eek:)
DOGS get bladder infections and stones, she may need medicine and cant help the problem. Also clean soiled area with ammonia as doge will remark same area IF it is intentional which I feel it is not. SEE Vet,, mamatx
maybe its sick? my cats did that, and i found out one of them had worms while the other had diabetes.
Sounds like she is being mad at you. she wanted your attention and did not get it.
just look her strait.in the eye a tell her no!! let her know that your very angry, she will get the message.