Has Top Chef lost all credibility with you???


New member
Jun 5, 2008
It has with me. As someone who never really got over Sara & Howie outlasting Tre last season, I've just about had it now that Lisa is in the top 3. It seems to me that the judges' policy of ignoring the contestant's body of work (or lack thereof) has set an irritating precedent of rewarding mediocrity. Who should REALLY be Top Chef-the BEST one or the one who does just enough to save his or her skin each week? How many times has she been at the judges' table? I don't think I've ever seen someone so lacking back peddle into the finals of any competition.

Lisa's nowhere near as skilled as other memorable villains like Marcel, Tiffany, or Hung. Plus, she ASKED for congratulations tonight! Howie wouldn't do that! A good villain makes you want to watch to see what they'll do next. Lisa has the opposite effect. Stephanie and Blais are deserving, but Lisa may be the reason why I give up on Top Chef. I don't like Dale either but he's much better. Any more opinions?