My 3 year old cockapoo has used the "potty" all over my family tries to keep a watch especially on my room, because it seems to be her favorite spot to have "accidents". However, she is so sneaky she will be in and out of my room in probably 40 sec. flat. i absolutely hate the smell... and when my bedroom door has been closed a little while... it's horrible!!! The stains are nasty to... can't stand them! I even rented a carpet cleaner once and it worked... for like 4 days. The stains started to come back through. All in all I need something that will get up the stain and the smell. And a little info on housebreaking...keep in mind she is 3 and I just don't know how to teach her better now. Help... anybody?!?!

(We have tried training her to a bell and it just didn't work)!