benzodiazepine and suboxone?


Active member
May 16, 2008
i have been on klonopin and suboxone for close to 5 years. i recently switched doctors and the new doc took me off of klonopin, claiming that it's dangerous to mix with suboxone and lowers its effectiveness. i need to convince him to put me back on benzos, for multiple reasons which i choose not to go into. can anyone provide me with a good medical argument, or perhaps some information disputing his claims? i am NOT interested in hearing how bad benzodiazepines are for me, and i don't want to hear about other forms of treatment. i've been through that. also, i've been feeling sicker lately, and i'm wondering if the suboxone isn't working as well now because of the lack of klonopin in my system. i apologize for the length of this question, but any ideas/information is greatly appreciated.