Rock and Pop, what else are you doing besides asking and answering?


New member
May 17, 2008
MQ: Do you listen to songs in a certain sequence?

Right now I'm watching the Angel game, they're trailing! Argh!
I write and publish posts on: weblog dedicated to music!

Come to read me on Rock and Pop (and Blues and Country) from time to time. Thank.
listening to my ipod and vegging out on Doritos, lol I'm a fatty. :S

MQ: occasionally. Most of the time I lose attention so I skip to a different song, though.
Waiting for my friend to get home so we can hang out
im listening to Led Zep wishing i was alive in the 70s:p
in the order of the album because im listening to an album on a cd
but normally i shuffle
I'm knitting and then answering between rows.
Yeah, I'm pretty hardcore. lol

And yeah I usually like to listen to songs in the order they are in on their album or even just the sequence I've gotten used to hearing them in on a mixtape
I'm watching 3:10 to Yuma. I have no clue why, I don't like westerns, killing, or shootings...Hmmm...

MQ: Usually I just listen to them in the order it comes on the album, unless my iPod is on shuffle. Some songs don't make sense when you don't have them in the right order.
Being bored...eating a piece of icecream cake. Wanting my friends to call me up. So damn bored.
eating pizza.....

shaking my head in wonderment over how thinskinned kids are these days.....

And, songs tend to be a chaotic rambling mess..... I love shuffle...surprise me, please!
I'm just searching for new music on Myspace.

MQ: I usually just have a playlist of random songs on my iPod which I'll put on shuffle, but if I'm listening to an album for the first time I will listen to it in the right order to see if any of the tracks run into each other.
I'm researching stuff about Boston (I'm moving there for College in September), playing with a half deflated yellow balloon and listening to Led Zeppelin.

I usually listen to songs in the album sequence if I'm not listening to the album... I'm just use to having my songs in order, LOL.
Playing Guitar Hero 3

MQ: Sometimes, I have a tendency to listen to Nirvana by Smells Like Teen Spirit 1st, then In Bloom, then Darin You, etc.
Laundry. And soaking my tired and swollen pregnancy feet.

I prefer to listen to songs in random order, but I pick only certain songs for the playlist, depending on my mood.
Eating Oreo Ice Cream!

Yes, yes I do.
By Alphabetical order.
So, if I just listened to a song by a band that its first letter from they're name was "F" then I can't go back I have to listen to band that its first letter is past "F".