where can i watch the movie get aa clue for free online?



trhe say the book is called the westing game wich im readng and i want to see the movie
thank u all
OMG! I never knew anyone beside me would be reading that. We just finished that book in class. And watched the movie. My teacher said it is very rare. The movie is good but there is alot of differences.
I'm reading the book and my class is a little behind - I kind of read ahead- I really want to see the movie too but I don't know how. I searched in google watch the westing game online but still,nothing
OMG iv been looking everywhere for the movie, gosh and no one has it!!!!!! We are reading it in class, and im like the only one done, and i really want to watch it, everyone else does too. my teacher has the dvd, but we wont watch it till way later.
i want it free and looked everywere i wana see it badly om god can someone please help me:(
omg i just got done reading the book and i just saw the first part of the movie and i gatta say IT IS CHEESY:bad: i all most wanted to hit myself:hammer punch: