Really bad panic attack, afraid of choking, can't sleep - sleep apnea?



I really need help.. I keep having bad anxiety and a constant fear of choking - it feels like I can't even swallow my saliva and when I do I fear breathing it in. I can't relax my throat, eating and drinking is hard (let alone taking a sleeping pill).

I'm worried also that I might have sleep apnea because I wake up exhausted no matter how much sleep I get.. or maybe this is just part of my anxiety. I have bad insomnia too.

How do you relax your throat? Can anyone help me? i know it might sound crazy but I really need some advice :(
sometimes I feel like my anxiety causes me to confuse myself and makes me more likely to choke on things.. i know it's irrational and i wish I knew how to stop it..
I doubt it is really your throat. It is your neck muscles tightening up, that gives you the impresion you cannot swallow.
I had it recenly mysef, for about 3 days.( but I was withdrawing off a med the dr told me to stop). It is anxiety.
All you can do, is rub the back of your neck. I never tried ben gay, but I bet it would work.