Do you think school newspapers should be given absolute free speech with no

No the purpose of this newspaper is to teach students how to write and run a newspaper. If they don't learn that there is censorship ( on all newspapers) then they arent learning all they need.

All newspapers are censored - the Editor decides what stays and what goes. In school there is one more process that of the faculty advisor - this is protect people from the unmeaning young reporter who may not check their sources and be as sure of their facts.
well it would be nice
but some people might get their feelings hurt
because we all dont think alike
so somebody might write an article that
can really hurt another persond feelings with
out even acnowledging it.
No, we are still students we need some rules and boundaries of what can be said and cannot.It wouldn't be fair to make anyone feel offended in anyway possible.
If your talking about a high school paper, the answer is an unequivocal "HELL NO!!!"

Teenagers for the most part, don't possess the necessary maturity, and/or wisdom to be given that much responsibility. Please note, I said for the most part...
No, because then it would be like reading the tabloids and nothing would be true. Just think of all the gossip teenagers could write about each other without any type of censorship.
No, because then it would be like reading the tabloids and nothing would be true. Just think of all the gossip teenagers could write about each other without any type of censorship.
They should have the same caliber of free speech regular newspapers have and the school should not be afraid when a genuine investigation uncovers malfeaseance, misfeseance or nonfeaseance
OMG !! your like so rite !! Sheely at skool is like goin out with steve and steve is so hot and shelly is like real mean and stuff i mean we can handle the Truth i mean realy like com on !! NO these student are still in CLASS and they are not ready for any Truth
no youth minds are underdevolped and should be given a push in the right direction but only to a degree
No. Schools are not public entities in the same class as a newspaper and thus can be censored. It is a TEACHING element.

You are certainly at liberty to start your own 'press' and circulate your subscription outside of school grounds (although anybody can bring their copy onto school grounds). That is how some of my friends got around that rule and that was some time ago!
Eh, no. We're given quite a leash at my school. But there's a line to be drawn. If people want to talk about illegal things and all, they have the internet to vent on. I think it's really important to allow students to talk about critical issues though - like sex (there was a debate about whether a person should do it before or after marriage in ours), drugs, and the war. But uh, yea, censorship can be a good idea.
No, it's not the "real" press.

Control is necessary in a school and allowing students to write anything would prevent control,
No. Highschool people can be so cruel and nasty. Someone has to make sure the paper is not written this way.
yes, as long as they are not violating any of the laws that real newspapers have to obey like not writing false stuff about people, then it should be fine. If the students want to write about real issues like government or sex, then it should be okay because its around them anyways telling them they can't write about something they already have an opinion on is just dumb.
Definitely. If it is a student newspaper, meaning the articles are written by the students for the students, their should not be any censorship because in a way it is taking away the student's views.

Also censorship shouldn't be done anyway just because this is America, and it's built on, among other things, freedom of speech.

Quote the constitution. That should get those pesky faculty advisors to shut up pretty quick.

Definitely. If it is a student newspaper, meaning the articles are written by the students for the students, their should not be any censorship because in a way it is taking away the student's views.

Also censorship shouldn't be done anyway just because this is America, and it's built on, among other things, freedom of speech.

Quote the constitution. That should get those pesky faculty advisors to shut up pretty quick.

Depending on the grade of the people working on it. If its 5th or 6th graders, then you should definitely have some sort of supervision. If you are in high school, then you should have WAY more freedom. Maybe only a little censorship. If in college, then nothing should be absolutely fine.
At the High school level some level of guidance is necessary to insure that the paper is not used to attack individuals or groups. A school news paper is a hands on method of teaching journalism, not a private news or opinion enterprise. Even at the collage level since the institution may be ultimately held responsible for the content, they to have a need to protect there interests, but adult learner should be given greater latitude.
yes cuz often times when the "faculty advisors" disagree with the students point of view they make them change the story around. Its a paper for the students not a paper for the faculty.