Will I be able to control the screaming?

  • Thread starter ♥Curly♥
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On tv and in the movies you see women in labor screaming their heads off at everyone around them. I don't want to be one of those outrageously outspoken women from hell but will I be able to control it? I'm generally a quiet person and would like to be able to "mantain" myself and my personality and not be out of control. But will it be in my control? Will the pain be so unbearable I'll be screaming my lungs out anyways? I also don't want to be mean to my husband during birth either which I hear many stories of women who are (screaming "I hate you, you did this to me"). What will it actually be like since all I have to compare it to is tv or movies of birth? Will I be able to control my temper (cause I never said I didn't have one!) or will I be in so much pain I won't care and will lose my temper?
tv makes it worse than it is to build drama.u will be just fine.if it hurts too much,there are safe drugs u can take,and u will have a whole support team of understanding med staff right in their with u.almost no one yells at their husband,unless it is normal for them to yell at him for other things too.its not comfortable,but most people in labor are happy,as the baby is worth the discomfort.think of all the times u felt sick(migraines,flu or whatever.)this time,u may feel bad,but u get something out of it!!!
Look on YouTube for some natural laboring. There is not as much screaming as you'd think.
totally depends on what type of labor you end up having. are you planning on having an epidural? just tell your loved ones not to take things you may say personally. its one of your only ways to vent when your in pain! i worry about this too!
Society and medicine has given pregnant women the idea that childbirth is something scary and something to be feared.

There is no reason in existence for a woman to scream in labor. The pain is only as horrible as you make it.

Pain can be managed quite easily if you can get yourself into a relaxed state of mind and also understand that childbirth is a natural process and that your body knows exactly what it's doing.

I never screamed or lost my temper. You just go with it. The pain of childbirth helps your body work to get the baby out. It makes you move to help labor along.
the movies exaggerate the process of labor. i did some screaming but not alot

i am also a rather calm person
i agree get the epidural, or spinal block. i can't take pain much so i got mine as soon as it hurt just a bit worse than cramps. then i slept. when it was time to push, i didn't feel anything down there at all. they tell you when to push and everything. they help you the whole way thru, so it's not like they're gonna stick you and leave you there, or anything like that.
TV really exaggerates the situation. Some screaming or crying is okay but they will tell you not to focus your energy there. Pain tolerance differs per person but anyone will say the first time around it hurts.
Don't watch so much t.v. Real childbirth isn't anything like that on shows.

Childbirth is a very exciting and intimate experience. Just keep calm. If you're not a bitch normally, then you won't be one in the delivery room either.
Not everyone is one of the screaming ladies :) plenty of people give birth without having to scream and yell lol as long as you can control your temper now you'll probably be fine :) Goodluck!
well i have had 3 babies (preg with 4th) and i never treated my husband badly. and i didn't really scream. pretty much just layed in bed moaning. when it came time to push i did holler a little esp with my last he was crowning and they kept telling me not to push cause we were waiting on the Dr. (the most painful thing i went through with all 3 births) by the way i had no epidural. if you do have epidural i wouldn't worry in the least because you don't feel the pain just some pressure. (if your epi works like it is supposed to) i think they just do all that in the movies because it makes for better television. (to answer your question about your temper if you do it naturally i would say you will be in so much pain you won't care if you lose your temper)
we are all differentand have different pain thresholds let us know when you have been through it i was 17 when i had my first i was to scared to say anything lol
I think it all depends. I wanted an epidural with first one and was told I couldn't have one because they couldn't get the needle in the right place. So right from the get-go I was a little ticked off about that and in so much pain. Also, baby was coming down the birth canal looking the wrong direction so I had extremely bad and intense back labor which I'm told is about 10 times worse than regular labor. I am normally a very calm, quiet and shy person but unfortunately labor hurt so bad that I couldn't help but scream. Not so much during the contractions (they were horrible but more bearable) but during the actual pushing, I became like a whole new person! I can't say it was as extreme as what they show on tv and movies but I definitely was screaming and swearing. I totally thought I would be embarrassed afterwards but trust me, the drs and nurses see it so much that I think they are pretty immune to it. I did not however, get angry with my husband or anything. I was so grateful to have him there with me! And it's not as if you lose complete control of yourself either. You know what you are doing and know that you aren't acting like yourself but honestly it just feels so good to scream and let out some of that pain! So don't be ashamed or embarrased. Just do what you have to do to get thru the pain and once its done, every little thing you go thru will be worth it. Good luck! :eek:)
Everything you see on tv is nothing like real labor. Its painful and I am not going to lie, I cried my eyes out during labor. When I was pushing when she started coming through my hips and crowning I screamed a few times, but nothing like the tv.... it was more like 40 yr old Virgin when he was getting waxed LMAO! You cant really scream and push at the same time.

And as far as screaming at your husband "You did this to me! I hate you!" LOL probably not. You will probably be less than kind to him, just because you are hurting and he is going to annoy you in some way (they always do.) But it wont be like whats on TV.
Well each birth is different for women.
When I started having heavy contractions, I pretty much had to ask everyone, even my husband, to leave the room. I couldn't concentrate on breathing to get through the contractions and have movement in the room distract me.

Had people been in the room constantly I would have lost it. I remember at my point my mother in law came in and rocked in the rocking chair for about 10 minutes. Had she not got up and left when she did I would have screamed at her to get out. I just couldn't handle distraction from breathing. I couldn't even talk.

Honestly, after having been through it, I don't know how women scream through their births, it takes way too much energy to do it. It was all I could do to keep control of my contractions until the time I knew my OB was going to come and see me for an epidural. I had hard contractions for three hours, had only dialated 2 cms when they gave me an epi. My body finally relaxed and I had my daughter three hours later with only 7 minutes of pushing. Had I not gotten that epidural I would have been there for another 24 hours at least - according to the doc and nurse anyways.

I think the very best thing you can do is to go into that room with an open mind regarding the birth and pain medication. Don't set yourself up by failure by telling yourself and your family that you don't want any drugs, etc. That way if you do end up needing medication to help deal with the pain, you can get it without feeling guilty or bad about it.

You may get really lucky and pop that baby out in minutes, or it might take hours and hours. When you have those moments where you want to kill someone, like I did with my MIL, just take a deep deep deep breath and calmly ask them to leave the room for a while.
Don't trust what you see on films.
Watch discovery health channel or tlc, they show real births.
From what I have seen not many women actually freak out during birth, in films they do it for the dramatic effect.
You won't be someone that your not!

Labor will not change your personality!
Four of my kids, I had them naturally, no pain medication, and the last one I couldn't stand the pain so I asked for the IV. From experience, it's very painful, but I have high pain tolerance. Believe me, you will not be screaming like that, because you need to save your breath to push baby out. I chose not to get the epidural because I've had friends that had them and they said it did a number on their back, and they are still suffering from back pain.

Good luck
I have a 3 year old and a 3 week old...

My first delivery I had all kinds of pain intervention. Including the epidural. I had such a great experience with that delivery. I was able to laugh and enjoy the entire process. I told my husband he did this to me but I was totally joking.

My last delivery was quite different. I was induced which makes the contractions more intense. Then labor progressed so quickly that I was not able to get any medication!!! I did not plan to have a natural child birth experience!!! My babies were both facing the wrong way too. It caused horrible back labor. I did scream. Not at my husband though. Just that it hurt SO bad. I have a high pain tolerance too but that was too much. My back still hurts from that.

Maybe it hasn't been long enough but I don't know if I am willing to ever go through that again!!! Not naturally!!!
My mom didn't have the epidural when I was born and I was told that she hardly made a sound. Luckily it was only like a 45 minute labor, but she said it hurt really badly. I guess it depends on how tolerant of pain you are.