Is Chiuahua safe?



is it safe to have a small toy dog if I already have a full grown Lab?(75-80 lbs)
Before I get any comments I'll just let you know that my lab is extremely submissive and affectionate to ALL other animals. Her best dog friend is my mother-inlaws toy poodle (he's about 10 lbs) My dog doesn't care to be dominant to other dogs...she just wants them to like her and play. When she meets a new dog she always bows to it and lets them smell her, I have never seen her try to take the dominant role, even with toy dogs, and cats. I just thought where a chiuahua was SOO small that it might be dangerous to be playing with a big Lab. What if it gets stepped on by my lab??
I have a golden and had a dachshund. You just really have to be careful that your lab isnt hurting the little one. Sometimes big dogs just forget.
My dachshund was the alpha between the 2 and it worked out great, but they really didnt play with eachother that much.
if he gets stepped on by a lab, of course he can be hurt...if they fight, of course he can be hurt....if none of these things happen, he won't be hurt....geez