Odd dream about my violin?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
So I'm learning to play the violin, and while I'm not way up there in the Mozart standards, I think I'm doing pretty well. But the other night I had a dream where I was walking through the woods across from our house while playing my violin. I was playing a song I don't think I've ever heard before, but it was beautiful. It was also a song that I could never play in real life, it was so fast and complicated. But in the dream it was easy, I didn't miss a beat, and I didn't get tired. And all the plans and trees and whatnot would move, even though the wind wasn't blowing. Kind of like they were dancing. It was freaking *wierd.*

Could this dream mean anything? I mean, I don't know if it means I shouldn't read certain books and then think about the piece of music I'm working on before bed, or if this dream could have some genuine meaning.

Stop judging if you think I'm wierd. I can't help what I dream about.