Identify this music video (folk indie, indie rock?)?


New member
Apr 13, 2008
I barely remember the video, I will do my best to describe it to you and you can either give me an idea as to who it is, or you may call me fool, because there is a slight chance this is all some dream I once had (but I am pretty sure it's real)...

I believe the band is some folk indie/indie rock band... the whole video takes place at night, and the band members are all on bikes "chasing" after the camera truck, which is going about 10mph on a dirt road Because it's night, you can see NOTHING else. There is a large flood light pointed backwards on to them and occasionally throughout the video they line up single file, and all the bikes behind the lead bike disappear, you're supposed to believe they are THAT good at riding single file, but realistically, it's a camera trick.

Does anything sound familiar? There is a slight chance I am just crazy pants and I dreamed this up one night... I don't know anymore...