"In Other Words…" with International Etiquette Expert Grace Lee


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
This was one of the more challenging and interesting interviews I've done, mostly because I disagree with much of what she had to say.* But my show is all about making you think, and this one certainly did that!*Grace Lee is an etiquette expert.* With one foot in Japan and the other in the United States, she founded Grace Lee International to help businesspeople with international etiquette.* What do you need to know when you are negotiating a deal with a Japanese firm?* And you may be surprised how much dining etiquette varies from one part of the world to another.* Some places, it's rude to leave food on your plate, in others it's rude not to.*But it was her views on a woman's job and who should raise the kids that's likely to be different from what you're used to.* Check it out.
