Hookup buddy vs me. Who wins?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I am a 39 yr old male who has been dating a 33 yr old female off and on for about 2 years. Our relationship became rocky at the beginning when we had an argument and didnt speak for a week. During that time she had sexual relations with a friend who she grew up with. I took her back with the assurance that would not happen again. We were fine for a few months then we took a break for a year. We got back together about 4 months ago to learn that she hooked up with this same guy friend of hers. She insists there is no love but that she was lonely and needed a mans companionship. This guy also was in a relationship himself but slept with my ex at the time anyway. The subject came up last night about him and i told her that it appears he was using her for what he wanted. She then said i was right and that she would not have anymore to do with him. Today she said she got a text from him asking her to have lunch. She did tell me and I got upset. She insists its just lunch and nothing more and that I should trust her. I feel uncomfortable with that and I told her. She then said that I dont trust her and that this was my issue i needed to resolve. I even asked her if she had to choose between me or him than what would it be and she told me that if it had to go that far then i definitely dont trust her and that it wouldnt work. I dont trust this guy and I think he has feeling for her. I even told her that. She seems to be downplaying it and I now cannot sleep. I do have trust issues with this guy. What should I do? By the way this is a long distance relationship.