Sush Mobile develops investment app for Craigs Investment Partners


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Sush Mobile have been hard at work developing a powerful mobile experience for Craigs Investment Partners called CIP Mobile, which officially launched today.Craigs Investment Partners, one of New Zealand’s largest investment advisory and sharebroking firms, is committed to providing expert investment advice, extensive research, and first class service to over 50,000 clients.
The CIP Mobile app provides instant access to data for leading global markets with detailed index information, market news, world currencies, and securities quotes. Registered app users can also take advantage of the portfolio builder tool to automatically track and report on the current or historic performance of investments. Watchlists offer the ability to summarise your portfolios, and alerts can be set up to notify you of any price changes or announcements.
Additionally, Craigs Investment Partners clients can access periodic and real-time portfolio reporting and the latest research reports available from Craigs Investment Partners research team.
According to the results of IDC New Zealand’s Consumerscape 360° 2013 survey, 53% of smartphone users accessed the internet via their phone at least once per day compared to only 21% in 2011.
"We chose to build the app as a hybrid mobile application using Sencha Touch and Phone Gap, because the priority of the business model required that the app work across all channels. CIP Mobile works across iPhone, Android, iPad, Android tablet, Web, Blackberry, and basically any mobile device with an Internet browser." – Sheenu Chawla, Sush Mobile
CIP Mobile has been built on HTML 5 to provide a consistent user interface across all mobile devices, Internet browsers, and display sizes. The app is available for Apple and Android with intuitive designs across both phones and tablets.
“The journey was challenging, but I think what we have achieved with CIP Mobile is one of the best mobile solutions with Sencha; one that works consistently across all channels." – Sheenu Chawla, Sush Mobile
CIP Mobile was recently announced as the winner of the Web Marketing Association 2013 Mobile Web Awards - Best Investment Mobile Website. To download the CIP Mobile app visit the App Store or the Play Store and search for ‘Craigs Investment Partners’.
