why doesn't anyone like to travel any more for cheap?


Terri S

I have a travel business and i can't get any one to look at my ad it is very inexpensive and fun,however no one seems interested, is there a slump in traveling these days?
maybe people think its a scam,cuz alot of people avertise cheap deals and it really is just a scam to get peoples money.I learned that in my travel and tourism class in college.So many people get scamed these days,that they don't trust an ad like that.Is it in a office where people can come to,cuz if it is then mayb people would be willing to try it out,but I would wait to see in the summer when people travel more or towards the end of May.The bad thing about being a Travel agent,is that the website can give people more of a chance to be there own travel agent in booking there own flights,which is what I did,and sometimes there you can get cheaper rates.,so that makes it harder for Travel Agents to keep in buisness,so it could be that too.