John Inman dies


Mar 24, 2008
Actor John Inman, most famous for the comedy Are You Being Served?, has died in London aged 71.
Wow, thats sad, I love that show. It drives my wife nuts, she does not get British humor. Course Mrs. Slokum and her pussy are my favorites
There can't be many of us here who are old enough to think of Wendy Richards as a sex symbol, rather than a miserable old bag on 'Eastenders'!
I get the impression that you American types get to see far more old British TV than we do!

Over here, some things get repeated ad nausaem, while some real classics never get repeated at all. It's bizarre!

But some of the British TV which you guys love isn't really rated very highly over here any more. Like 'Are You Being Served' for example! We might chuckle when we are reminded about it, but I suspect most people would cringe if they had to sit through it all again nowadays.
I'm not sure but I think it may be because we only get it randomly and after it is already done over there. I am sure even as much as I love the show and try to find it as often as I can that have only seen a quater to half of the episodes. Most of the current shows you guys discus I have never even heard of but will probably see 3 to 5 years from now. I got a few tapes from my dad when he lived in Scotland a few years back but that has been the only time I have seen anything current.
Well there isn't much to look forward to mate, because British TV is utter shyte these days I'm afraid! It's all 'reality TV' bollox. The days of great comedies and dramas is long gone.

So enjoy the old stuff while you can.
*sniff* even Dr Who sucks now...

But hey, as long as the Yanks keep making "House", I'm happy!
Its just the new stuff for which we need to wait forever. By the time it gets here, its new to us but dated for you.

Incidentally, what are the popular shows in Britain right now?
Like 'Are You Being Served'? Sounds like it must've taken a while to reach you!

Mainly pro-celebrity erotic dwarf wrestling - but that might just be me. I can't really speak for the rest of the country.
I remember watching it back in the late 80's, early 90's over here. I thought it had funny moments, but it did not have me laughing like Fawlty Towers or the Young Ones. The weird thing is that even though it got to the USA almost 20 years ago, PBS stations around here have been showing it continuously the whole time.
Don't feel bad Johnno, Us stuff is full of that crap reality stuff as well. Nothing like the old 70's stuff we grew up on. This wave of reality stuff reminds me of the wanning days of the Roman empire. Spectical over substance, but then thats a bit for a whole new thread.
We still get a few good US imports over here (although plenty of bad ones too!)

But I suppose 'reality TV' is going to take over the schedules of the world, as it's cheap and requires little thought. The only downside for the TV companies is that it doesn't lend itself quite so well for repeats. Or am I being naive there?