The Star Wars pants game


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Just another thread to have fun with and kill a few brain cells since SW has been broached in another thread. The game is this; you substitute a word from a line in any of the movies with the word "Pants" like this.

I find your lack of pants disturbing.

Well Chewie short pants is better than no pants at all.

Judge me by my pants do you?

You get the idea. Have fun. I will seeing what else pops in.
Use the pants

Hokey religions and ancient pants are no match for a good blaster at your side

I sense pants. A presence I've not felt since...

Luke: You know him?
Obi-Wan: Of course I know him: He's pants.

And the grand finale...
"I felt a great disturbance in the pants, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

EDIT: Okay, just one more.
"Han will have those pants down. We've got to give him more time!"
These are not the pants you're looking for, you don't need to see my pants

And these blast points - too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial pants are so precise.

Mos Eisley Spaceport. You'll never find a more wretched hive of pants and villainy. We must be cautious.

But Alderaan is peaceful! We have no ppants, you can't possibly...

Hokey pants and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
Luke.. when gone am I, the last of the pants you will be.

May the pants be with you.

Jabba I got your pants...

Weesa ganna pants down here.

Promise me... Promise mee you`ll pants the boy.

Your rebel friends are walking into pants.

Roar Rawr Pants Grr Rawr

Beep bop Bee Pants Beep

Darth Vader: Your have a pants... If you won`t turn to the dark side, mabye she will.
Luke: Noooooooooooooooo!!!

Emperor Palpatine: Ha ha ha..yes.. now pants him down and your journey to the dark side shall be be complete.
Luke:`ve failed your Highness... I won`t pants you.

Where have you hidden the pants?

Pants I; The Pants Menace
Pants II; The Pants Wars
Pants III; Revenge Of The Pants
Pants IV; A New Pants
Pants V; The Empire Strikes Pants
Pants VI; Return Of The Pants that I`ve ruined it for everyone.....
You look strong enough to pull the pants off a gundark.

But I was gonna go to Tashi Station to pick up some pants.

You can waste time with your friends when your pants are done.
Some Yoda's

"A Jedi craves not these pants"

"Away put your pants, I mean you no harm"

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side.
Fear leads to anger,
Anger leads hate,
Hate leads to... PANTS!"
Those are too obvious.

Ah Obi Wan has lost a pants. Help him find them we shall.

You're pants he shall be.

More on your pants I sense Master Qui-Gon.

From Obi Wan

He is more pants now than man. Twisted and Evil.
Emperor: You have paid the price for your lack of pants

Jabba: Your mind pants will not work on me boy

C3PO: I'm very embarrassed, General Solo, but it seems you are to be the main course at a banquet in my pants
Han Solo: "Hokey religions and ancient pants are no substitute for a good blaster at your side"
I like this game
Lando Calrissian: We won't get another chance of this, Admiral.
Admiral Ackbar: We have no choice, General Calrissian. Our cruisers can't repel pants of that magnitude.
Lando Calrissian: Han will have the pants down. We've got to give him more time.

The Emperor: Strange that I have not. I wonder if your pants on this matter are clear, Lord Vader.
Darth Vader: They are clear, my master.

Luke: I will not fight you, father.
Darth Vader: You are unwise to lower your pants

Luke: You're wrong, Leia. You have that power too. In time you'll learn to use it as I have. The Force runs strong in my pants.

The Emperor: It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now pants

Han Solo: I have a really bad pants about this. .

The Emperor: You have paid the price for your lack of pants.

Yoda:A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious pants

Yoda: Pants or Pants not there is no Pants