My two 12 week old Guinea Pigs aren't drinking?


New member
Sep 9, 2013

So I'm so happy, I just got two 12 week old Guinea Pigs on Friday, but they dont seem to be drinking?

All they've eaten is:

I first put a bottle in their, but they haven't touched that, and then I put a bowl in, like in the pet store, and they haven't touched that either. I've been changing the water too.

I have also shown them how the water bottle works by putting it in their mouth and when I did that, one of them did it on their own, but she didnt drink from it in the cage because the water level hasent gone down in the bottle. (or bowl)

What else can I try??? They're eating fine and love to be held btw, so they're pretty comfortable.

Thanks!!! :D ?

-Little Miss I Can Help ?
Don't worry dude this is not a big deal guinea can have water from the vegetables they use to intake. But still, you need to change the water in the bowl so they could have fresh clean water when the thirst came up to them. Best of luck!!