I'm looking for detailed Harry Potter quizzes on Boggarts, Patronuses, Amortentia


Active member
May 11, 2008
and the Mirror of Erised? I'm a massive fan of the books + films and I would just really like to know:
what my Boggart would be (a shape-shifter that takes the form of your worst fear)
what form my Patronus would have (a charm producing an animal to protect against Dementors)
what my Amortentia would smell like (a love potion that smells of whatever attracts you)
what I would see in the Mirror of Erised (a mirror that shows your heart's desire)
I am looking for really detailed, analytical quizzes to show what these things would be.
I really don't want simple quizzes with questions like 'what animal do you like' and then your answer being your patronus form or something.
Also I don't want ANY quizzes about 'what character are you' or your Hogwarts House (I already know that from Pottermore, I'm a Ravenclaw!)
Thank you!