Have the French forgotten the battle of Waterloo?


New member
Jul 5, 2008
France wants to recolonise Syria using rebels and Nerve Gas but have the
French people forgotten Waterloo? Great Britain is Great, unlike France.

Sarin is much more deadly and works quickly, it was developed in France.

Iran and Great Britain will retaliate against French colonialism.

Iran will get China to demand the USA repays all debts and the
British will simply quit the European Union. France is bankrupt.

Obama is insane to support France with Syrian recolonisation.
This is not about Iran it is about Obama hating the British as he
removed the statue of Churchill from the White House which we
the British find deeply offensive.

Obama loves France and he
will support French rebel atrocities in Syria. Read about it
and know for yourselves the cannibal ways of the French.


Similarities, French similarities, the French are up to it again.
Have they forgotten Admiral Lord Nelson who has a statue in London at Trafalgar Square?
Have the French already forgotten Waterloo?