Does PS3 run 3D Blue-Ray Movies?


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Sorry I am new to PS3, just bought one 1 month back and I wanted to know does it only run Blue-ray movies or it can even run 3D Blue-Ray Movies considering I do have a Sony 3D TV.
BTW my ps3 is the ps3 slim 320gb version, NOT the new 500gb version
Of course, that's parts of what makes it great. Especially considering all PS3 games are Blu-ray, it would be stupid if it couldn't play Blu-ray movies. And yes, it's got native 3D capabilities, so anything that's 3D can be run 3D with the 3D TV.
It will work! I wondered that too so I just tried it and it worked! Don't for get the 3D glasses if ur tv came with them...mine did. Hope I helped! Enjoy ur movie!