I need help with my sub wiring?


New member
Jun 27, 2013
So I've been saving up some money to get a nice sound system in my car but a big problem came up with me while reading how to wire this stuff I know how to do all the wiring and stuff but I've heard that if you disconnect your battery you can lose all your settings including your head unit setting and you would need a code to get it to work again...so is there any way to not disconnect the battery while wiring would it do any harm if I were to not disconnect it ?
The code you speak of would have to have been setup by you or the previous owner, and I can tell you, it is not an easy thing to do. Most likely nothing will happen if you disconnect the battery. Also, mostly this problem is only present with factory head units, and I would assume if you are adding a system, you would probably also want an aftermarket head unit. I haven't been in the car audio business in a while, but a few years back, the factory head units would not be the choice of a good system.
You will lose the settings though, like presets, but you can easily reprogram that.