Handheld Pokemon games?


New member
Nov 24, 2012
So for his birthday this year, I'd like to get my boyfriend a Pokemon game, but first I need to get him a handheld game "console". So first of all...which one should I go with, a DS or an older Gameboy or what? I'm just not sure where to start! (I didn't play many handhelds as a child, or even now, I was/am more of a console gamer). After that, which Pokemon games would you recommend? He's really into it, and I want to surprise him :)
If you have the money, get a 3DS. Not a DS, a DS lite, or a DSi, but a 3DS. Maybe a 3DS XL.

It's the most recent Nintendo handheld.

Pokemon black 2 or pokemon white 2 are the most recent games for pokemon. They are DS games though, so you won't find them in the 3DS section, and yes they work on the 3DS. Later this year pokemon X and Y will be released for the 3DS, but that's later in the year.

If for any reason you can't get a 3DS, a DS lite is fine for just pokemon.
I recommend getting him a Nintendo DS. This is because you can play any gamboy game on it. So in the future, he can get all of his favorite games. As for the game itself, I would get him Pokémon White 2 or Pokémon Black 2. These are the newest releases and are by far the best of the series