ALT and AST Question?


New member
May 30, 2013
I had bloodwork done 10 days ago ALT 29 Normal (range 10-40 u/l) AST 40 slight high (range 10-35 u/l). i was taking cataflam (anti- inflammatory med same as voltaren which is known to spike liver levels ) . dr told me to relax.. it was just cataflam. .
10 days later i had bloodwork again (stopped cataflam 7 days prior) and AST 48 high (range 10-30 u/l) ALT 45 high (range 6-40 u/l). i had gotten a prolia injection about 20 hours prior. doc told me to relax... the liver was slight elevated because of the prolia injection. told me if im really worried to retest in a few weeks. All other levels were fine. Intellectually i know that in 10 days i didnt all of a sudden "damage" my liver so i will get retested and most likely all will be back to normal again.. just wondering if basically every med causes some slight increase in alt ast for a day or so because it is filtering through the liver. similar thing happened last year ,. levels were like 88 an d 60 but i was on anti inflammatory.. totally freaked out and after stopping meds for 2 weeks all was normal again. Am i just totally making myself crazy?? Also. why does every lab i go to have different reference ranges. its ridiculous to compare results from one lab to another btw.. im healthy, dont smoke, drink, and have no health problems.