I left frozen chicken out to thaw. It's been there for 2 days. 3 at most. When


Mar 23, 2008
cooked is it fine? I want to bake it now. If fully cooked, it should be fine right?
As long as the cooking temp is above 350 degrees, there shouldn't be a problem. Enjoy!
At room temperature? Probably not, heat won't kill that bacteria. But I guess it's up to you. Would you gamble away your health? Over what? $10? Please don't.
Food should not be left out to thaw for any amount of time. Bacteria multiply every 20 minutes so yours would be quite poisonous with salmonella and goodness knows what else. Throw it out then sanitise everywhere the raw chicken has been in contact with.
By the way, cooking does NOT kill off all food illness bacteria, even though this is a popular myth. Some bacteria or their spores are resistant to the heat from cooking.
Has it sat in the fridge 2 days? if so yes its good. If it sat out on your table a few days well actually yes. Bacteria dies when cooked that's why humans cook food. Really you could safely eat a rotten 10 day old animal off the road as long as you cooked it good. smell it and if it don't smell rotten or un normal then cook it. The worst that can happen is it don't taste good and your throw it out.

And cooking DOES kill the bacteria and possible parasites that's why humans cook food!