Does smoking marijuana make your arms fall off?


May 22, 2008
My mom always tell me to never smoke pot because it will make my arms fall off or make me fat and lazy and not want to do anything. It also will make me really dumb. Is this stuff true in anyway?
how many people dont have arms... thats not true but pretty much everything else is
I think by your asking this question proves your mother is right about everything but making your arms fall off. Everything else she told you, is spot on.
Your mom is trying to scare you lmao weed does none of that it even can cure/ slow down the process of some certain cancers and other illnesses, plus if weed makes you fat and lazy...that is only your will power I have smoked weed for over 6 yearsaand have done really good for myself...personally is weed slows and kills your power to be active in life DONT SMOKE IT must not be for you.