How can I cover up a strong cigarette odor?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Just recently moved in with some friends of mine, and I smoke, so do my other two roommates. But one of them doesn't and he's getting annoyed by the smell. Well at 3:00 a.m. I don't exactly like getting out of bed and going to the balcony to smoke. I've tried using Smoker's candles but they only mask the smell really. How can I get rid of the smell so that my friend can be happy and I can continue to smoke in my room?
Well those ashtrays for the car thgat have a small hole to put the butts in help. One of the big odor things is the butts in ashtrays They make the smell linger When full flush don't dump in garbage

Glade make a neutral spray that helps
penuts and toothpaste and i hint of netmeg ..if ur under 18 ..if ur over 18 koolaid powder ,cinimon and cake frosting ...that will get u real high