My new Golden Retriever puppy, is it possible that he "pees" at home just to piss...


New member
Aug 7, 2008
My new Golden Retriever puppy, is it possible that he "pees" at home just to piss... off? So I got this cute puppy (5 months old) recently, he was sick a week ago and spent 3 days at the veterinary hospital (diarrhea, fever, flu.. ALL!) and I allowed him to pee+poop on our terrace as he had to go every about 30 minutes!!! now that he feels better with all the medicines and antibiotecs given, he now goes outside for his "toilet time" and believe me he KNOWS quite well that it is NOT right to pee at home!!

Today morning while me getting ready to go to my work, he begs beside me waiting for his treats or whatever FOOD is in my hands (I was at the kitchen), and I did not give him anything because he already had his meal and I don't want to allow this habbit! That is when I noticed he is sitting infront of me PEEING on the carpet!! (and that was right after returning from his outside walk)!! Goodness I got crazy :s and took him immidiately out for him to complete his mission, but he did nothing! So I punished him and let him sit in his playpen, and he KNEW that was not right!

did he do this to get attention? or is it just to piss me off as he didn't get any food? or is it that his bladder is full again (within 20 munites o_O ?)
He probably doesn't understand that it was only under that circumstance that he was allowed to pee wherever, and is just confused.