Eureka 7/ Anime fans ONLY. Have you ever had this feeling?


New member
Apr 17, 2013
Alright so I just finished Eureka 7. It was absolutely AMAZING. I've never seen an anime with such passion and romance. But the thing is, i'm sad that it's over. I keep having this pain in my chest ever since the last episode. I cried from the last episode, because it was so beautiful. And everytime when I see the old openings/endings my heart beats fast through my chest and I feel all giggly. Then when it's over I want to cry. I can't get the last opening out of my head and it's making my heart beat faster. What should I do? I don't want to get rid of these emotions that this anime has caused me, but I also want to feel normal again. Please don't say "You're gay" because I keep telling myself that i'm being a pussy and that it's just an anime. But I don't want to let go of these feelings. It's almost like I just fell in love with somebody and broke up with them but don't want to be broken up. Have any anime fans had this feeling?
Yeah I'm going to watch the movie right now. And I just watched Eureka 7 AO episode 1 yesterday. I decided that I'll watch AO every weekend. (I'll probably shred through it fast and wait for the other episodes to come out).
Yeah, I'm pretty sure most anime fans have had this feeling over at least one series. It's just what happens when you finish a series that was amazing.