How to get over the worst rumor ever?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Everyone has had their feelings hurt over a little white lie. Mine are hurt big time. My name is Jason, am 15, and currently in my 2nd year of high school. I was never the popular kid. Always picked on but recently it has come to a new extant. My school has only 400 people so basically everyone knows who everyone is. Someone started a rumor that one of the gay kids and I had sex. It is horrible everyone is calling names and I'm just fed up with it. How do I get past it? How can I stop the bullying? I am not suicidal or anything but I am depressed. Why do kids start these rumors?
What ever you do, do not cut yourself. Believe me, you won't be able to stop. You need to tell someone about this rumor. Ok?? I dont care if your in high school or your to cool for that. Sweetie, this is going to get much much worse and your going to want to die. I'm sorry to tell you, but it's the truth. Someone started a rumor that i was pregnant and i didn't tell anyone and it got worse and worse and worse. Tell a trusted teacher or parent. You can talk to your principal. It won't get them to stop forever but for now. Bullies dont stop because of teachers. If it continues you can press charges.
Assholes decided to make a similar rumor about me, because I "looked like I was staring at them". (They just made it up).
Anyway, I second the answer about going up and making out with a girl.