att ashley about your reply?



I beg your pardon, our dog does NOT sleep on our bed. I do NOT trust any dog with a child. I was simply explaining what our dog is like at the moment and kindly asked some helpful tips.

Yours were not at all. I obviously know a child is more important than a dog but i dont want to just get rid of our dog because of a baby. As many other people have replied there are simple ways of introducing them both. Our dog is NOT disobedient she just likes doing what she does, she doesnt go to the toilet in side, chew things up, bark at all! And her being a small dog i dont mind if she likes to walk around our house. Obviously she wont be doing able to walk around the house by herself when the baby arrives.

I do not apprichate your reply at all, didnt your mother ever tell you if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all????
I am sorry that someone upset you.

I am assuming that you were the one that wrote the question about introducing the baby to the puppy?

I would like to suggest the two books below just to get you started on getting some perspective on this matter.

A Puppy Primer by Pat Miller and After You Get Your Puppy by Dr. Ian Dunbar.

Additionally, I would like to suggest the Yahoo! Group called Peaceable Paws. Become a member and go to their files and get the book list.

Good luck and Mazel Tov on both the puppy and the baby!!!!
i also answered your other question and i thought her reply was a bit harsh to say the least. she went off on a tangent that, quite frankly, your post didnt warrant. people like that just dont read the whole post and therefore just went off on a rant. good luck with the baby
I agree that her reply was inappropriate.

However, it's also inappropriate to make a question addressed to a specific user and potentially inciting drama. If you wanted to say something to Ashley, you could have just e-mailed her, or put your message in the "additional details" of your original question. Or, you could just give her thumbs down and move on. It's not like it matters what she thinks. If you know she's wrong, and most other people know she's wrong (judging by the numbers of thumbs down she got) then who cares? Just ignore her.

Also, this question is childish and violates Yahoo's "community standards", so I've reported it. I encourage others to report it too.
I wasnt too sure what this post was about but then I went back and read your previous question and Ashleys answer and I 100% agree.

Obviously she didnt read the question right. If she did she would know that you DIDNT want to get rid of your dog and we're looking for advice about ways that you, the baby and the puppy would all be able to get along.

Dont worry about her. She's obviously got nothing better to do with herself than come onto YA, get up on her soap box and complain about how people are bad parents (wether it be to babies or our dogs).

Id just like to add, good on you for being one of the responsible dog owners who understands that babies and puppies can be a verrry bad combination if not properly introduced and supervised. =D

You're right, Ashley's answer was not polite at all and offered no assistance. Now I'm all for giving stupid questions stupid answers (like someone who asked if 2 breeds could mate and have puppies, guess she never heard of a mixed breed before) but yours was a legitimate question and one that many people reading this forum could benefit from as well.

But in reference to your question, what I would do is to bring all kinds of baby items in your home such as baby wipes, powder, baby oil, get the idea. The object of this is for her to smell the items and be curious about them. That way she knows that something is going on. But there is something else you have to do before this. You have to bite the bullet and gain control of her! Until you do that none of the tips that people give you will mean anything because she won't take you seriously.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I also have a female chihuahua and I just had a baby 2 months ago. I was really worried about her getting jealous and such over the baby since I've had her for 8 years and also didn't want to just give the dog away over welcoming a new family member thats not the answer, and I also don't just care more about a dog then my child who would? Just wanted to let you know the first couple of weeks she did seem more jealous when we talked to the baby and would bring me toys to try and distract me but now she's doing wonderfully. She has settled right in with the new family member. She does get jealous still when company comes and talks to the baby and trys the old "bring the toy to distract them" trick but when its just my husband and the baby and I she's just fine. She also sleeps on our bed occasionally, she has free range of the house as well because she's small and obiendent and I keep her clean, and I also have a hard time trusting dogs with baby's but she's done great. Besides when the baby starts crawling and walking I think its only fair she has free range to be able to get away and have a break. I think your lil chihuahua will be just fine. :) I sometimes take the baby's hand and pet her with it so she gets used to his little hands and she just rolls over for her tummy to be scratched its cute. Good luck and sorry about Ashley's rude comment! She's obviously never been in this situation before and has no business answering. Congrats BTW!
Whatever... it's your kid and your dog.... do what you want. But don't be shocked if your child gets bit. You said yourself that your dog doesn't listen to you. You also said that you don't feel you should have to get rid of your dog just "because of a baby." In my eyes that's twisted logic.