Why Does My Dog Whine When She Hears Her Toy?


May 13, 2008
I recently got my older dog- i'd say 12 years now, a squeaky toy. I haven't really gotten her many toys, because she frankly isn't interested a couple squeaky toys or ropes, but I wanted to give it a shot. Its just a hard cupcake toy that I thought was cute.

Anyways, the first night we had it, she had fun running up and down the hall ways. But for the past couple days when I squeak it she whines to high heavens.

I try and give her the toy but she wont take it. Then I'll set it down and she'll grab it and go hide it.
I mean every time I squeeze this toy she whines and tries to make it disappear.

Does it hurt her ears? Is she protective?

Note: She has had a few before, but she never cried like this. Also she likes for the Cupcake to sometimes be in her bed.