Im 15 and smoke weed everyday?


May 17, 2008
I have been smoking since 8th grade but was caught and had to go to drug counseling but they never told me anything bad about marijuana and was mainly talking about way stronger drugs or that it is a gateway drug which i know it can be for some people but i never wanted to try Any dangerous drugs and marijuana is not a dangerous drug I know that for a fact and please do not comment saying oh it will kill you because I've seen that on a lot of comments and questions about this topic and I know for a fact that is not true but really all i want to know if there is anyone else that has done this or is doing this and if it is a bad choice i have a 2.50 gpa and more credits than most juniors because of all the ap classes i am taking.
You're right. Marijuana isn't really bad, however you are only 15... which is a little worry some. That's probably why you've been put into drug counseling. I smoke marijuana myself. I didn't try it however until I was an adult. I was 21, and I smoke very seldom. It's not a gateway drug.. that really is bull. Sometimes they assume that because some people who have one form of illegal drug around will be tempted to have other types of illegal drugs around. But it's true that not everyone is like this. I'm glad you are aren't. Perhaps just wait until you're 21 and move to the state of Colorado or Washington. You won't be judged about smoking marijuana on your days off work. It's legal in these states and regulated. I don't believe that someone as young as you should be smoking it, but I suppose it's better you smoke pot than to smoke a cigarette. Cigarette's are the bad ones. It would make more sense to call them a gateway drug that to call weed one.

Just stay focused in school, try not to smoke everyday since it isn't addictive, it shouldn't be hard.
(We know that weed isn't bad, but any consistent smoke within the lungs can harm your body)
Reserve your smoking for weekends or nights that you are really stressed. Your GPA is good, but I'm sure you could bump yourself up to at least a 2.80 if you worked at it ;) Just get passed this little counseling thing. Smoke less or preferably until you're older and to where it is legal, it's best not to get caught up with the law when you're older, even if what you are doing isn't really bad.

Im not going to lie to you but it is really bad.research has found out that infact marijuana has negative effects to teens,it makes them retards!i dont know about but i think thats bad enough.
I'm also 15. My school has educated me about the dangers of drugs and the effects they can have in your body. Even though as u said, marajuana isn't dangerous it still causes many problems to ur body. It's never good to get addicted to anything especially a drug and if u think that the fact that u have a 2.5 GPA is because of the marajuana then I would try my hardest to quit right away. If its effecting ur life in such a negative way then u should stop while your still young and have a life ahead of you. In the future it might lead to worse drugs also. I've spoken to people who were hooked on heroin for over 10 years and they all said it started from marajuana. I'm not trying to scare you but it can cause a major downfall in your life and u should stop as soon as you can.
Nothing is free, with alcohol you get a hangover, with weed when you come down you "burnout" there are things to do to make it easier. I have less info on long term side effects. I've seen a lot of stoners some get along nicely others in the majority have a real problem and reliance. I'm not picking on weed, I believe it has legit uses. Even aspirin has it's problems, like I said nothing is for free.