How do I tell my girlfriend I don't want to have sex anymore until marriage?


May 12, 2008
I've been dating this girl for about 8 months now. We have been sexually active basically throughout this entire relationship. For a long time I fell off with my faith. It is something that I feel I very much need to get back into, in fact I recently spent a good amount of time by myself praying to become a better Christian again. I love my girlfriend very much and I want to tell her that I think we should stop having sex and wait until we get married. I know this is the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life. She makes me a better person in so many different ways. But I'm afraid to tell her that I don't want to have sex anymore. I don't want her to think it's because I don't find her attractive, I just know that in the eyes of The Lord, sex before marriage is a sin. How do I tell her that I just want to love her unconditionally and be with her forever, but to wait to have sex again until we're married?
Your values are very important to you and she needs to respect them like you respect her.
Well if she is fond of knives or guns be as far back as possible..

Naw but..

I would say your answer is in the Question you posted.. Be honest as possible and to the point. Tell her. No reassure her that its not because of her.. If she gets it then shes all you s
If she loves you enough.. she'll understand, If she doesn't.. then its time to break it off. Love is sacrifice.
If she loves you enough.. she'll understand, If she doesn't.. then its time to break it off. Love is sacrifice.