A TES: Arena newbie looking for some help! Is anyone out there?


New member
Feb 17, 2013
I just recently started playing The Elder Scrolls: Arena on my on my computer. I have noticed that in the inventory screen, your character has Green '+10's around an next to parts of his body (I guessed them to be the following (Lower Legs, Upper Legs, Lower Arms, Upper Arms, (either shoulders or torso or neck), (Left Shoulder?) and head) and noticed that some items decrese certain values, depending on what they are. So I right-click on a 'torc' (what is a torc and what does it do?) and it says "-1 to AR". What does 'AR' stand for and do I want a higher or lower value on the green '+10's? Detailed information and explanations would be appreciated (ESPECIALLY from some Elder Scrolls veterans, I know you are out there). Thank you.