How is wind mills and solar panels the technologies of the future when they are...


New member
Feb 8, 2013
...decades old. Integrated? gasification combined cycle (IGCC) coal power is far newer technology. Does Obama even realize what he's talking about moving to power generation of the future?
he wants so called green energy because he knows it is a farce and will damage the USA but that is his plan for us.
Again ... the rest of the world is aggressively pursuing wind and solar and other clean energy solutions but Conservatives know better than everyone else. Costs have come WAY down for wind and solar in the past few years while efficiencies have gone WAY up. At the same time, fossil fuel prices are steadily rising. There's nothing wrong with using "clean" coal (which is really just cleanER) and more drilling for oil in the meantime but that's no reason to be the only Democratic nation on Earth to ignore clean energy as the obvious future choice.
In the first three months of 2011, renewable energy — hydroelectric, geothermal, solar/PV, wind, and biomass — made up 11.7 percent of the U.S. energy production mix, surpassing nuclear at 11.1 percent.

Coal is declining, with 29 percent the first quarter of 2011, down from 29.4 percent the same time last year, and 31.1 percent during the same period in 2009.

When all the coal, gas, and other nonrenewables have been exhausted, do we wait until then to do something, I think not since China is already taking the lead in green energy.

Do you support buying our technology to produce energy from China?
The real future is in small garage size nuclear power plants .There the size of a 2 car garage an can power a city of 35,000 an are buried an almost maintenance free for decades.
Newer does not always mean better. But it always means more expensive.

What works in Japan doesn't always work in the US.