How to blance homoes without medication?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Does anyone no any way of blancing hormones without medication
I am loosing werights so far i lost 25 all together i plan to loose 45 to be 150
3years ago I was having periods they came evey month they wher just one day or one day in a half very light n spotty after going to the doctors n nov 2012 they did blood test i was only worry bout my periods i keep telling my geno she says it was normal to have a 1 day period which i didnt believe cause i was use to a 5 day period with actual blood n having to changing pads i only went throw 1 pad n could take it of by night i explain to a doctor i went to a diffrent one he said i got results form yur other doctor they r old yur insulm levels r high he gave me medf... the diebitic medication i ve been on it for 3 months now periods changed to 2 days now
Excellent question! The first step, which you're already taking, is to get off the extra weight. Extra estrogen hangs out in fat cells like a mooch on your couch and while estrogen is important, too much of it especially coupled with low progesterone, is a ticking time bomb.

The next thing is to ditch regular grocery store meat and dairy--it's rife with estrogen used to fatten animals and thrust them into early reproduction. Buy meats without hormones/antibiotics from Whole Foods or a local farm if you have access. Same with cheese, milk, eggs...all of these things, when from factory animals, are like eating birth control pills every day.

Also, try to drink Smart Water or other spring waters with minerals intact (reverse osmosis water is void of any nutrition, so avoid it)...tap water has entirely too much estrogen. In fact, there was an article about it recently--that it's feminizing our menfolk and killing their sperm! I mean, we do have epidemic numbers of man-boobs these days...

Third, ditch soy. It's estrogen-like and binds to thyroid hormone which can cause hypothyroidism (weight gain, slow weight loss, period problems, etc...).

Get sugar out of your life. Even fruit. I know, I know. But when you have high insulin and excess estrogen, you don't need anything taxing your pancreas. Veggies are better.

One last thing, there are a few things you can do to naturally increase your testosterone, namely doing squats throughout the day (or any weight-bearing thigh exercises) and eating a lot of healthy fats (nuts, avocado oil, etc...). The reason this is important is because us ladies need some testosterone and when you have too much estrogen, you tend to lag in testosterone.

Some people would tell you to use wild yam cream or some other progesterone upper, but the problem, fundamentally, is that you've stored too much estrogen in your fat cells and you need to flush that out, then everything else will fall into line. You certainly don't want too much estrogen AND progesterone. When you play with progesterone creams, bad things can happen because we don't know how to custom titrate these effectively yet.

Excellent job on the weight you've already lost and hopefully some of what I've suggested might help you!