Alt. Rock/metal/rock.grunge?


May 13, 2008
3 questions! woot!
1.ever listen to some songs by some bands and in the song you can feel the singers own emotion through the song?

2.which songs by which bands?

3.Fav Alt.rock/metal/Rock/Grunge Albums and

Bonus! for best answer!!!!!!
has any song or band or cd had any extreme impact on your life that changed it forever?

Ill even answer my own questions incase anyone cares =p

2. Breña by a perfect circle
Digital Bath by Deftones
Love Hate Love by Alice in chains
You know your right by Nirvana
H. By Tool

3.Fav cds are Bleach by Nirvana
Toxicity By System of a down
Diamond Eyes By Deftones
Sacranement and Ashes of the wake by Lamb of God

Bonus! : I dont know how I Would have lived my life if it wasent for the Aeniema cd by Tool, or Come Clarity by In Flames, or Slipknots Self-titled cd, and all the soad cds

"Them Bones" by Alice in Chains
"Something in the Way" by Nirvana

Louder than Love by Soundgarden
Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
Ten by Pearl Jam
Dirt by Alice in Chains
Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden
British Steel and Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest

Nevermind by Nirvana
1. Yes

2. River of Deceit by Mad Season. Layne Staley just pours his heart out, RIP dude.
Lightning Crashes - Live. I know everyone loves to hate on Live, but that song is just too emotional.
Or pretty much any song from Superunkown by Soundgarden, such as Limo Wreck.

3. Gish by Smashing Pumpkins
Superunkown by Soundgarden
Because of the Times by Kings of Leon
1.) yes

2.) cold- suffocate
cold- happens all the time

3.)cold- year of the spider
seether- finding beauty in negative spaces
children of bodom- are you dead yet?

Bonus: most albums by H.I.M., the misfits, cold and iron maiden