What's the greatest bargain you ever found ?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
in a thrift shop. Today I went to the Humane Society Thrift Shop and got a beautiful London Fog Raincoat. Seven bucks!

Poll: Dog lover or Cat lover?
One time I bought a big pack of meat at our local grocery and I got it for .38cents. I think it was really $38.00 dollers but they had to sell it too me anyway (FYI: thats not why they call me 38c)
i saw this guy who got a pro snowboard (worth 700 bucks) for 2 dollars
Dog lover... I'm a bargin shopper & have found so many that I can't name just one...You did good girl!!!!
Best Bargain : My hubby....
I like cats but we just got us a dog and he is kind of cool
Me and my friend went to A&F one time. And we found the BESTT sale. Shirts for like $5. And then as we were checking out we found out all the sale stuff was half price. So for $100 I got like an entire new wardrobe! And jeans for $5. I was soooo excited lol.
And I like dogs.
The greatest bargain I've got so far is the free love of Jesus. :)

I did get a Santa Claus cookie jar for forty eight cents the regular price was close to nine dollars at a Dollar General.

Dogs rule cats drool. :)