Android vs IOS vs SYmbian anna ?


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Whats ur opinion android vs symbian anna which has more apps (if possible plss tell by how much )
& In which is gaming experience the best & which can we expect to have more apps to b relesed ?

& if ur answer is android then whichs is worlds best android gaming phone ?
Android has a huge bank of apps. Go for it.
Best gaming phone shall be Sony Ericsson Xperia Play with Android 2.3.4.

And just wait a little more as Android 2.5 is already announced on 29th September.
all these operating systems are unique and cannot be compared. you have forgotten to ask about RIM, BADA in samsung.
android has more features. more customizable allot better faster cool and tachnical. MORE FEATURES! widgets. get a droid